A Jones

Played: 9 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59:55 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalimmersivequite difficult
This room was very well done and beautiful. The puzzles were great and original. Found a couple tricky to follow - in particular the last puzzle we had found a method that was logically valid and got correct/possible answers but didn't work and we were supposed to do it another way. Besides that element, the room and the host was fantastic. We'll revisit to do any future rooms at this venue for sure.
Played: 9 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 50:00 Outcome: Successful escape!
Itā€™s what youā€™d expect from a temporary room. Itā€™s not super special and thereā€™s nothing outstanding in there but itā€™s still got plenty of good puzzles and things to figure your way through. A more linear style of room.
Played: 9 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 38:10 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalquite easy
Another temporary room so donā€™t expect too much. Although we did this one much more quickly than the other temporary room available here we enjoyed this one more on balance. Was less linear and the room felt more festive. If you were to be picking between this and the Santa room Iā€™d suggest this one.
Played: 11 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 56:48 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techquite difficult
Little bit harder as a 2 in the time but certainly do-able. An older room but a great theme and well done. Some of the puzzles are a little more tricky to follow but we enjoyed it overall.
Played: 11 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49:42 Outcome: Successful escape!
Really good fun room. Very strong theming - good fun puzzles.
Played: 11 Feb 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 44:12 Outcome: Successful escape!
Good fun room. It starts off slow and seems a bit like an old fashioned style escape room but then as you get further into it, it gets better and better and the pace feels like it picks up.
Played: 24 Oct 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 1:27:26 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersiveepicquite difficultšŸ˜Øcreepy
Huge room with loads and loads of puzzles. Lots of variety and types of puzzles too. This is a must do. We really enjoyed the room, the theme and the puzzles. Some of them took us quite some time and as with many of the rooms here, dexterity as well as smarts!
Played: 24 Oct 2023 Team size: 3 Outcome: Failed :-(
originalimmersiveintensevery difficult
Very hard room - thereā€™s an awful lot to do. Thereā€™s a couple of puzzles that whilst they made sense seem to be quite a tenuous link - when you complete it you can see how the link could be made but it doesn't feel particularly natural. Thereā€™s also some really really cool puzzles and mechanics that weā€™ve not seen elsewhere and were really clever. You need a fair few people for this and to split up and tackle things simultaneously. Could do with having a 90 minute version for smaller teams - I think we likely would have needed another 15mins to complete - although I felt we had a very slow start and wasted perhaps 10mins at the beginning.Our first ever failure!There's a very strong theme and some fun elements and puzzles in there but just far too much to do in an hour and for a small team. I think you'd have to go at such a pace to complete this that you wouldn't get to enjoy the room. It's a shame as with all the Tulleys rooms they are so epic and fantastic in terms of sets and puzzles but just so large that to get through you have to go at such a pace that you don't get to enjoy and admire it as much as you otherwise could and should!
Played: 24 Oct 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 59:17 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techintensequite difficult
This was our favourite room at Tulleys. The effort that has gone into the sets and the way the story progresses through them is second to none in the UK. Thereā€™s absolutely tons to get through and thereā€™s some great mechanics for puzzles in there that weā€™ve not seen elsewhere.This is the largest and technically best and most diverse room we've done to date. These rooms are really challenging as a small group though with so much to do.
Played: 24 Oct 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 58:18 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersiveepicquite difficult
Fun game. Huge set and lots to explore. Nice theme.
Played: 24 Oct 2023 Team size: 3 Time taken: 56:04 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersiveepicquite difficult
Great fun and the set dressing is exceptional. Would highly recommend. The best pirate themed room weā€™ve done and a nice varied selection of puzzles - dexterity and smarts needed!
Played: 23 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 52:54 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalfamily friendly
The set design was incredible - best of the various alive rooms we've done. The gameplay was quite good and original - the puzzles felt like they were almost all quite unique and different to what you'd expect although quite a lot of observation and pattern based puzzles. I don't know why but it didn't feel quite as fun a room as it should have done - but I do wonder whether that was just because it was last on a long day of doing rooms for us.
Played: 23 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 47:03 Outcome: Successful escape!
Really enjoyed this room. Can tell a lot of effort has gone in and the dressing is fantastic. We felt this flowed quite well too and all the puzzles had the right balance of difficult vs fun. Instantly became our second favourite at this company after lanes.
Played: 23 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 44:28 Outcome: Successful escape!
Fantastic. Really enjoyed this setting and room. Felt quite immersive and really enjoyed it. The puzzles flow quite well into one another and everything felt fun.
Played: 23 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 44:57 Outcome: Successful escape!
This room was really really good fun. Very enjoyable and the room was fun to be in and the soundtrack really helps it along. Some cool and well thought out puzzles and elements here.

I think we could have gotten a better time in here but honestly the room was just a bit too fun to be focusing entirely on the puzzles!
Played: 23 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 48:36 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalgreat hosting
It wasnā€™t hugely different or special but was a solid good fun room. Enjoyed the puzzles and it flowed well. Some clever contraptions in there too.
Played: 23 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 59:45 Outcome: Successful escape!
The theme was strong and some of the puzzles were good. I think overall for me, whilst nothing wrong with the room as such, it just didnā€™t feel a fun room.
Played: 22 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 40:51 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalfamily friendly
This was a different theme to any other and a few interesting mechanics. Certainly a few moments where you felt like kicking yourself when you realised!
Played: 22 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49:14 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techfunnycleverquite difficult
Jasmines wit and humour made this room for us and made it a very entertaining experience. The puzzles were a little tricky but it was quite novel and once you clocked how to do something it was a case of finishing sequences. We really didn't excel on this on the day but I can see most of the thought processes behind the games.
Played: 22 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 43:36 Outcome: Successful escape!
Room was closer to a traditional one although still plenty of magnetic elements and only a few locks.
Played: 22 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 44:32 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalgreat hostingbroken tech
Good room. Out of the three at the venue this was our least favourite although it was still worth doing! The start was great and the end was good fun, the middle bit not as much. We unfortunately had quite a few broken elements in our experience. Very original though!
Played: 22 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 47:28 Outcome: Successful escape!
Overall a great room. Strong theming and some light entertainment. Puzzles were a nice mix of dexterity rather than just the usual. Not quite as immersive/fun as explorers diary but still very much worth doing!
Played: 22 Oct 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 52:15 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersivegreat hosting
Fantastic. Is what a modern escape room should look to be - immersive, story driven. Combining puzzles with suitable theatrics without ruining the immersion.
Played: 28 Jul 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 68:17 Outcome: Successful escape!
great hostingmagical

Fantastic. One of our favourite experiences and rooms. Tom really pulled it off and from the moment we entered to the moment we left we were in his magical world and everything was on theme and exciting. Clearly a lot of love and effort has gone into this and if you like magic you'll hopefully notice loads of nods and tributes to things from that world. You can tell that the owner really likes this theme and is into their magic and they've made this room their baby.

Loved the live magic!

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 50:37 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalgreat hostingfamily friendly

Quite liked this. The theme was great and fun and I really liked a couple of the puzzles that had good dexterity aspects to them. A decent room worth doing.

Would be perfect for kids and the aesthetic was a nice change from the usual themes.

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 87:00 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverstory-drivengreat hosting

Great room that had a nice flow to it and such a variety of puzzles. Felt like it had a little something from each type of puzzles. The longer version was great as it just meant more puzzles- love the last part of the room in particular.

We wouldn't change anything about this room - felt perfect for what it is.

Can't fault the hosting in any way either - Fran and her family are great at this!

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 57:18 Outcome: Successful escape!
great hostingfamily friendly

Was a fun room. Set dressing was in line with the theme. Itā€™s not quite as detailed as others perhaps but itā€™s understandable as a seasonal room - although that being said itā€™s still a lot better than most standard rooms. Good use of different visual puzzles.

Can't fault hosting at all - Fran and her family are great at what they do!

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 56 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalgreat hosting

The set design was great in here. Loves some of the puzzles and theme remained strong throughout. Some nice quirky puzzles and use of props/furniture.

We really enjoyed this and the settings/locales we were taken through.

Fran the host is very enthusiastic and we could have continued to talk to her all day - great venue and we'll keep a lookout for any future rooms!

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 47:30 Outcome: Successful escape!

Fantastic game thatā€™s different to most rooms. A lot of tech in the room mixed with a bit of dexterity and a good balance of more standard puzzles done in line with the theme. Best room of the venue for us easily. Also very different to other rooms we've done before in a few ways and really enjoyed this. Will be one we refer back to in future.

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 49:19 Outcome: Successful escape!

This room didnā€™t flow very well and the puzzles were quite confused in places. It felt like whilst the dressing was good the gameplay let it down and this could have been done so much better. The worst enigma rooms room weā€™ve done to date - only mention as the rest of theirs have been fantastic sofar.

Played: 5 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 51:42 Outcome: Successful escape!
The set dressing here was great and really fit the theme. Thereā€™s a few tricky puzzles and then some that seem to go by fairly quick. Most of the value in this room is set dressing rather than puzzles I would say.
Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 37:35 Outcome: Successful escape!

This was one of the better rooms at the venue that we did. More set dressing, a few different puzzles and things to try. Made good use of the various spaces available to them. Potential to add extra stuff in some of the areas.

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 28:08 Outcome: Successful escape!

We found this quite easy a room and if not for one daft item we could have easily shaved off another 5-6mins. We were told we were easily the fastest theyā€™ve had for this room.

I think if youā€™d not done similar to this then itā€™d be a bit more exciting and different then we found it.

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 32:38 Outcome: Successful escape!

The room was fairly linear and there were only a couple of stumbling blocks for us - but ones that we should have really done a lot quicker! I think really we should have done this perhaps 10mins quicker.

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 31:26 Outcome: Successful escape!
needs updatingquite easy

It was quite an older style room with lots of padlocks and linear clues and puzzles. Quite an easy room and the puzzles were quite straightforward.

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 50:07 Outcome: Successful escape!

This was quite good. Atmosphere was good. One of the rooms felt a little slow at times, the rest had some quite unique elements and good use of tech. Set dressing was very good.

You can tell Matt has put a lot of effort into his rooms and it shows - will keep an eye on this venue as would happily go do any others that might appear in future.

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 48:00 Outcome: Successful escape!

This was the first weā€™ve done with the scoring besides the timer. It was quite well done and there were some quite unique puzzles and elements to the game. It felt like half was almost traditional style puzzles, the other half quite unique tech elements that were well done.

Escaped with 5.2m thanks to two small errors of planning by us! 

You can tell Matt has put a lot of effort into his rooms and it shows - will keep an eye on this venue as would happily go do any others that might appear in future.

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 43:51 Outcome: Successful escape!

This was a very immersive room. Some great puzzles and innovations within. Really quite liked the entrance and one of the later puzzles in particular too. The control over some of the tools is a really nice touch too!

Played: 4 Apr 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 45:54 Outcome: Successful escape!

The set design here was fantastic and different to many weā€™ve tried before. Really well done. A few good mechanics too that were well adapted to the room.

You can tell Matt has put a lot of effort into his rooms and it shows - will keep an eye on this venue as would happily go do any others that might appear in future.

Played: 11 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 42:51 Outcome: Successful escape!

This is a fantastic game. The puzzles arenā€™t too tricky and thereā€™s one or two that stand out as clever/nice in terms of being a bit different. However, the theme is great and the decoration and nostalgia make it something special. Thereā€™s quite a lot of space used purely for the theme and to make both the start and finish a bit special too.

Played: 11 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 45:12 Outcome: Successful escape!

Best jump scare room weā€™ve had. Fantastic immersion and really well done. Puzzles are great and logical and linear - the best bit is the setting and the way the whole room moves along each element.

Very much worth a go!

Played: 11 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 51:15 Outcome: Successful escape!
story-drivenfamily friendlymagical

Really well done in terms of aesthetics. Quite a lot to do in the room and a lot of variety in the puzzles and mechanics. Best Alice room weā€™ve done yet!

Played: 11 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 48:15 Outcome: Successful escape!

Nice theme - simple and effective. Quite logical and linear. Staff really good šŸ‘šŸ» . Almost all physical locks.

Played: 11 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 53:39 Outcome: Successful escape!

Really nice effects to the game. Seems simple and then gets better as it goes on. Great use of the room.

Played: 11 Feb 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 40:30 Outcome: Successful escape!

Very well themed. Some original puzzles that weā€™ve not seen elsewhere. Worth a go!

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for money
Team size: 1 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneyoriginal
Played: 27 Apr 2019 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
Played: 27 Apr 2019 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
Played: 28 Jul 2018 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
quite easy

It's a smaller room and a bit older feeling. Enjoyed the theme and the puzzles though. 

Showing 50 of 93 games